Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Babies, babies and more babies

Dropped 3 little ones in the tank at work.  Looking good.  Found one in the main tank that's double the size of any of the others.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Thinking out loud..........

My best beasts are thriving in my 1G tank at work.  It's 72° or so, water changed twice a week (about half of it), there's sea shells in there for calcium, they get algae tabs and left over fish food.  Just upped the filtration with more air to the undergravel and in-tank filter via a double pump.

They're growing at an insane rate!   They seem to put on a paper thin shell, then fill it in from the underside.  I'll throw a few babies in there and see how they do.

Baby snails...

First rule of Snail Club:  Keep the freaking babies in a separate tank.  There's dozens of little ones cruising around the main 29-gal tank and we can't touch it without killing 6 of them.  :(  They're tiny and get smushed at any provocation.  Best to just leave them alone.

Plus, if you keep them in different tanks, you get to control the genetics!  This leads to keeping a lot of different tanks, but you get to control your breeding process.

Next clutch they're going in a zip-lock bag with a wet paper towel until they hatch, then into a small tank.