Sunday, September 18, 2011

Started the 55G tank

The 55G tank has been cycling for several days now, with some media from the 29G tank to boost the bacteria, and we decided to start it up today.  Dropped a few snails and 3 tetras in there.  Good luck guys!

Upgraded ALL the tanks with bags of  carbon.  Hope that clears up the clouds.  Seems to be working so far.  Carol bought the full media pack for the 110 filter last night.  I'm bringing a carbon pack to the office tank Monday.  Let's hope it all settles out soon.

Fixed up the 29G filters some.  Have to make that last another two weeks until we can afford a better filter.

Dropped the first E-bay auction today 20 snails for $20 bucks or so, shipped.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

New stock

Got the Ivories today.  They're not so hot looking and they were packed terribly, but they're all alive and cruising around.  The purple ones were professionally grown and packaged.  They were in great shape!

Finally got the 55G tank set up.  Needs more cleaning, cycling, etc., but it's gonna be beautiful.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


The babies are BB size or bigger, waiting till they're marbles or so until I try to trade or sell any.

Brainstormed on making an incubator with Carol.  We can use the empty 10G with a heater, half full, and an island to put them on.  Maybe a small air pump and filter to keep it clean.  I'll wait till I get all the aquarium stuff from Andrea and see what I have to work with.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Win Part II

Won 5 ivory snails for $16 (that included shipping, but ouch...).  That's about all we lacked.  Need a few black ones to breed with the one I have already.  Except for the Apple Snails, we now have (or will have shortly) good breeding stock.

Speaking of the black one, he's put on some SERIOUSLY black shell since we got him two weeks ago.

Getting the 55G tank this week.  I can't wait to set that up.  For sure breeding Apple Snails in there, along with one line (purple?) of the mysteries.

I only see one baby in the tank at work, but he's a monster already, fully the size of a bb, while his biggest brothers are only close.

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Won the bid for the purple ones!  We should have them by the end of next week.  It seem that several of our current crop have the purple genes.  Waiting to see how they turn out.  In any case, more depth for the purple gene pool.

Pulled all the rocks for the 10G and the 29G and Carol moved the babies to the 10G.  Another mistake, don't use rocks in place of, or on top of, gravel.  You can't move stuff around without risking crushing the little ones.  Both tanks are a mess, but settling down.  Babies are spreading out everywhere.  It's Teh Great Snail Diaspora.

Lemon Drop had her second clutch and this one seems viable.  We put it in a tupperware container, with lid cracked and a wet paper towel inside.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Snail wars

Bidding war for purple snails coming up in 3 hours.  Must stay awake at all costs.  These guys sell for the $$$.  I was gonna start out smaller, but why not go for the power sellers right off the bat?!?